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  • Writer's pictureCJ Inventor

Catch up...

Yes, it's been awhile. But, I have been working on and off. I just haven't had time to blog about it. I've found the land texture menu in Kitely, and so I've gone to Departure Bay in Nanaimo and took pictures of the actual spot where this story takes place.

this is the 'action' spot for my movie
The View from here...

I worked on the main character male avatar as well...surprised myself once when I logged in and forgot I was wearing a male avatar, lol. I think it's a winner; check it out!

For the upcoming film; male character
Male avatar (main male character)

Of course the land textures are different now, as I have recently put in pebbles, moss, and rock textures. And our main character (female) won't actually see this fellow so close; as her view will look more like this:

male character actual view from female perspective
Main character female view of her leading man

Again, the land textures are different as well. I made time to create the cave (for a future story line), because it features in the background of my main shot. Here is what the fine touches made it look like (before the texture changes):

cave before the texture changes
cave entrance (pre-texture change)

And a top view of the new cave (circular trails inside, with a spring pool)

bird's eye view of the cave (pre-texture change)
top view of the new cave

I've also added trees on the top of the land forms around the cave, and various flora; ferns, pines, cedar, fir, beech, bushes, etc.

I've even created a private dance hall for the after-party of the upcoming movie!

I had to take a break from the work because when I came online one time there was half of my land missing.

Kitely overheated and land was missing, lol
Missing land in one sector

I decided to check the forums on Kitely, and discovered where to find the site information to tinker with. Turns out my squid was taking up a lot of memory, so when I put it back in inventory, my site went from 50% memory use [with only one person in-world] to 3%. This will make it more manageable when I need all the actors on at once. Although, I did find a world where they have manikin avatars to dress up. They are made of mesh, so I will have to learn how to do mesh. This way, if I use manikins, I can save myself from crashing while trying to film (and maybe not have to worry about having so many people to find).

Talk to you later! Thanks for dropping by (here and in-world)! Don't forget to drop by in-world/again, or drop me a line back.


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