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  • Writer's pictureCJ Inventor

Making a 3D movie...

Well, I put some lovely flora around the site a bit more today. I had to turn off the pond scum because the script was bugging me; I kept seeing it in the corner of my eye as I was working.

All of the mesh bushes I bought the other day are modifiable, so I coloured some and I placed more around the site to make it look more real. I was worried about how many objects I was putting out there, but I'm only up to 700 out of 60,000 so I think I'm okay, lol.

Before I left tonight, I tried out the 'run' way, where I will be running to get the knife and running back to save everyone. I found the over the shoulder cam quite easy to use, as well as the skycam, but the camera facing the runner was difficult (as I was the runner) and I had to navigate backwards and go around a corner. This will take some practice as I am not very coordinated in real life, lol. I tried to use the in-world map to navigate but I find there is not enough detail on it.

Anyways, here are some sample shots...

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